In a June 20, 2012 webinar facilitated by the Richmond Academy of Medicine, Jacque Sokolov, MD with Scottsdale, AZ based SSB Solutions presented information regarding Clinically Integrated Organizations. He described how changing reimbursement methodologies
are resulting in projected changes in reimbursement to all health care providers as illustrated in different scenarios such as the one below.
Clearly the impact of these changes on all sectors of the $2.6 trillion health care industry will impact all providers in material ways. Since a primary driver for these changes is the unsustainable growth in health care expenditures, the areas generating the majority of the cost to the system (revenue to the provider) i.e. health systems, hospitals, imaging providers, etc. have the most dollars to lose if cost savings are achieved. Of particular interest was Dr. Sokolov's comments regarding the vital role physicians will play in this transformation and the steps that health systems and insurers are taking to capture/align themselves with physicians.